Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Weekly post 2/17/14

This week was pretty weird because it was really the first week that we had in a while of a whole full week of school. Also, on Saturday, I did a pretty good job at the track meet because I got 4th in shotput for the freshman sophomore with a 41. I am glad because the teams that were there were all teams that were from the suburbs so they are very good teams. They are teams that I would be seeing I. State. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Weekly post 2/10/14

This week was another short week because on Wednesday we had the day off because of Lincoln's birthday, and then on Friday we had the focus on us day which was a full day but we had fairly short classes. This school year has been going by faster than last year for some reason which I kind of don't like. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Weekly blog 2/3/14

This week was not too bad. We had more snow days. I think that we have not had a full week of school for the longest time. Either way, this week we had a ccot in ap world and it went very well I am pretty sure. I really think that this was the best essay that I have written all year. The only bad thing about this week was that my phone broke because it won't charge. That is the only really bad thing that had happened this week. And I was sick towards the end of the week.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Weekly post 1/27/14

This week went by fairly fast because we had two snow days at the beginning of the week. After that, knowing that we only had two days wasn't going to be tlk hard. So this week I decided to do the Boeing scholars application and try out for that. I really hope that I get into that because that would look very good on my college application and it seems very interesting and fun at the same time. Very knowledgable.