Sunday, March 23, 2014

Weekly post 3/17/14

This week was full of tests in my main subjects which are chem, geometry and ap world. Those are my hardest classes. Well chem and geometry are not really hard, but ap world is. Also this week the boys won the state championship! Which was sort of hard to go to because it was a three hour bus ride, but the bus ride was actually pretty fun. I sat with Blake kp and Sam. It was a pretty short 3 hours once I think about it. I slep a lot of the way back though. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Weekly post 3/10/14

This week was an okay week actually. I did pretty well on my ap world test, and I am pretty proud of myself for that. I had a lot to do this week. I also joined science Olympiad a few weeks back and this weekend we had regionals. We did so well!! I got first in both my events and we are going down state! I am so excited because this was my first meet and I did very well, and the team did very well and it was a great time on top of everything. I like the people in that club. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Weekly post 3/3/14

This week was aweful. I found out that I didn't get into the iit boring scholars thing. I really was bumbed out about that. I really wanted to get into that. But I guess God just didn't want it to happen. I don't know what I am going to do over the summer yet besides football and work at rush. I want to do something interesting over the summer but I don't really know what yet. I have to figure it out soon though. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Weekly post 2/24

This week was okay. The only part about this week that I didn't like was that I found out that I am not doing the best in Ap world. I have a lot to do to get the grade up and I really hope that I can do it because it is a fairly difficult class. A good part about this week was that we started a new phase in the weight room where it is full force. We are lifting very heavy weights, and even though it is good, it is also very tiring. But we are going to get in exceptional shape.