Sunday, June 8, 2014


So most of my family is in Chicago this weekend for my brother's graduation stuff. I love having them here. I was thinking that it would be so cool to have them here all the time. I think it would be cool but also I might get bored of them or it wouldn't be as special when I saw them. I am still dating Delaney and my 2 month anniversary is today and we hungout by her house. She had to go early, which I don't like but it was fine. 


This week was good. I'm not too sure if me rehak is still reading these things but I am going to do then just incase. Finals are looking pretty decent. I have a preeeetty solid A in most or my classes besides ap world where it is going to be a pretty bit stretch to get a B. I really hope I do though. I got a c last semester and I am not happy about that. Johnny got a C as well so I don't know about that. 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Weekly post 5/19

This week was good. I like our new teacher. I am sad me rehak left but she did okay. Right now I am on the long weekend and I am very relaxed. I am going to miss a lot of school on the last few days because of various things. I hope I get all A's besides ap world because an A in that class is not possible for me. The most I can get is a B and that is a stretch and I Will have to do eeeverything to get that, which hopefully I will 

Thursday, May 22, 2014


Thanks you all so much for this award. I have been practicing my speech time and time again and I couldn't come up with a final product. All of my attempts either sounded too cheasy, to fake or too real. So this is what I came up with: Ever since I was a little boy, I knew that the enviornment was in trouble. We were taught from a very little age that we should help the enviroent but I knew that it would be hard to find someone that would take on the responsibility. I graduated from Stanford at age 20 with a phd in environmental science so I knew that I could be the driving force to change this world. 
There are infinite amount of people that I would like to thank that we could stand here all day. I would like to thanky parents for etching me and guiding me throughout this long journey for the Nobel prize for environmental science. I want to thank my siblings for keeping me sane throughout this process. I would like to thank my co workers and all the people that helpede find a way for a new type of renewable energy. I believe that this new type of renewable energy would never have been created if it wasn't for the support of all the sponsors of my company. It has been a long journey and all the companies that helped me become the company I am today are very important to me. 
Creating this renewable energy source was a loooong ride but we got through it. While I have the worlds attention I would like to talk about something very deer to me, as you all know. It is the environment. I have traveled to many places in my lifetime and I have seen many different Eco systems and I have learned a lot about the world we live in. One thing that I have learned is that there are a lot of things wrong with our world that scientists have no idea about yet. With my renewable energy source, I have increases the human race's existence for another 1 million years at the least (Pause for applause). 
We basically are killing ourselves. Have you ever gone riding in places in America where there are factories producing a ton of smog and smoke every day? That is humans killing eachother. When I was at standford, my professor told me something that resonated with me for the rest of my life. I promised him that I would not reveal what he said until he died but it is something that can change the world for forever. My professor died 15 hours ago. So now that I have the worlds attention, I would like to present to you something that will change the face of human history for the rest of enternity. I present to you: the World's first all photon capturing solar panel. (Lift up curtain) 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Weekly post 5/11

So this is almost coming to a close. And when I mean "this" I mean these blog posts. We are heading towards the end of the school year. My friend who goes to ignatius says that they are already out of school. That is crazy that they are already out and we still have like a billion more weeks left. I just found out that john green, who makes the world history videos, also wrote the fault in our stars. That's mind blowing for some reason!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Journal 5/5

This week was pretty good. Things are still going fine with Delaney. I had city on Saturday and I did pretty well. Peter didn't do that well. I am starting to run out of things to talk about on this blog. I have my ap test on Thursday. I am nervous but excited at the same time. I want to go to state this year. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Weekly post 4/28

This week was Avery stressful week because this week we started really cracking down on a lot of things in a lot of my different classes. Like for ap world we started studying for the ap test that is in about 10 days, which is crazy to even think about. I am going to be soo happy when the entire thing is done. We have basically been studying for it the entire year, and there is still sooo much that I don't know. I don't feel too confident about it, but whatever happens happens right? 

Monday, April 28, 2014

1st Draft

Research Paper First Draft Gregory Fiona

Medical research and the way to access this research has improved throughout the past few years, decades and centuries. Medical research is the broad area of science that involves the investigation of the biological process and the causes of disease through careful experimentation, observation, laboratory work, analysis, and testing. Crowd sourcing the various types of research has developed into an empire which comprises of vast knowledge and advice.
The credibility of crowdsourcing for medical research is reliable, because of the increasing amount of valid sources, and the rise of technology in medical advances that have allowed for credible sources to be accessed.  The success of an information gathering task relies on the ability to identify trustworthy information reports, while false reports are bound to appear either due to honest mistakes or sabotage attempts. This information verification problem is a difficult task, which, just like the information-gathering task, requires the involvement of a large number of people.(
Crowdsourcing of medical research has grown throughout the course of time. The reason why it is so much better now than what is was before is because there are a lot more people on the internet. People can tell now a days what sites are reliable and what sites really arent. When you see .edu, for example, you can tell that that is more reliable than a source that says .com. Also if you see that it is like a national orginization for medical research or something, then that is really a tip off that it is trustworthy. Not every site is going to be a good site and what you can use, but as time passes, you can tell what sites are reliable.
Some people might think like “well what if I don’t know what sites are reliable and not?” that is where some of the problem lies. Medical research only goes so far. If you have a serious problem that needs to be seen very quickly, then looking it up online, and not going to the doctor’s would not be a smart move. Medical research is really for people who just need to check references and get a broad idea of what is going on. There are billions of people on the internet, and it is very likely that somebody has had the same symptoms that you have, and therefore, you have to find somewhere that you can relate to. It is mostly about discretions and making a decision on what is reliable and not.
There are many sites out there for medical research and it is growing by the day. SOme of them are definitely more reliable than others, but that shouldn’t halt the entire process and the whole industry basically. You just have to be smart.

Martin, Lucy. "The dangers of self diagnosis via the internet." ABC News. N.p., 21 May 2012. Web. 11 Apr. 2014. <>.
Mavandadi, Sam, Stoyan Dimitrov, Steve Feng, Frank Yu, Uzair Sikora, Oguzhan Yaglidere, Swati Padmanabhan, Karin Nielsen, and Aydogan Ozcan. "Distributed Medical Image Analysis and Diagnosis through Crowd-Sourced Games: A Malaria Case Study." PLOS ONE:. N.p., 11 May 2012. Web. 11 Apr. 2014. <>.
McCartin, Jeanné. "Self-diagnosing on the Web can be bad for your health." N.p., 30 June 2011. Web. 26 Apr. 2014. <>.
"Open Sourcing A Disease Diagnosis." Techdirt. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014. <>.
Perkocha, Luke. "Cognitive Error in Medical Diagnosis: What we now know." John A. Burns School of Medicine. N.p., 27 July 2013. Web. 12 Apr. 2014. <>.
Roberts, Dan. "Online self-diagnosis can cause surfers to fear the worst." The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, 15 Mar. 2009. Web. 11 Apr. 2014. <>.
Sanghavi, Darshak. "Should you crowdsource your medical problems?." Slate Magazine. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014. <>.
"Self Diagnosis Pitfalls." N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014. <>.
Snowdon, Anne, Karin Schnarr, and Charles Alessi. ""It's All About Me"." Ivey. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014. <>.
"SpyreStudios - Design and Development Magazine." SpyreStudios. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014. <>.
"Stop Googling Your Symptoms, Doctors Warn." Fox News. FOX News Network, 31 Jan. 2011. Web. 11 Apr. 2014. <>.

Swan, Melanie. "Sensor Mania." Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2014. <>.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Weekly post 4/21

This week I had not gone to English at all. On Monday I was in Florida and was driving back. In Tuesday I had a track meet so I was signed out and on Friday I was signed out for track as well. I had a pretty decent track week. I did fairly well on my discus throws. Today I threw 118 which is pretty good for me. And if I get better, I can definitley go to state 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Weekly blog 4/7/14

This week was very fun because this week I had a French exchange student for the entire week. For this week my French exchange student lived with me at home and during the day while I was at school, he would go and go with his French group to go see the city. It was very fun having him here but he left on Sunday. He was a very nice kid and he was really no trouble taking care of. I don't know if I am going to go to Paris and visit him next year, but that would be nice. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

2 Paragraphs of Paper

Medical research and the way to access this research has improved throughout the past few years, decades and centuries. Medical research is the broad area of science that involves the investigation of the biological process and the causes of disease through careful experimentation, observation, laboratory work, analysis, and testing. Crowd sourcing the various types of research has developed into an empire which comprises of vast knowledge and advice. 

The credibility of crowdsourcing for medical research is reliable, because of the increasing amount of valid sources, and the rise of technology in medical advances that have allowed for credible sources to be accessed. The success of an information gathering task relies on the ability to identify trustworthy information reports, while false reports are bound to appear either due to honest mistakes or sabotage attempts. This information verification problem is a difficult task, which, just like the information-gathering task, requires the involvement of a large number of people.(

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Weekly post 3/31/14

This week went by pretty quickly. The highlight of my week this week was seeing the play with Emma and my French student coming in. So far he is a very cool kid who is very easy to take care of. He really doesn't eat that much because he is a little kid, and when we are not out doing stuff, mostly he just want to play video games. So that's a pretty upside. And also, his English is pretty swell, and he speaks very well, so I am grateful for that. 

Weekly post 3/24/14

This year is going by so quickly. I can't believe that only a few months ago it was the beginning of the school year. I'm starting to believe it when parents and adults say that we should enjoy being a kid while it lasts because is seems like with every waking minute there are more and more responsibilities and tasks and such. This week was pretty decent. I had nothing to do really, so that was okay. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Weekly post 3/17/14

This week was full of tests in my main subjects which are chem, geometry and ap world. Those are my hardest classes. Well chem and geometry are not really hard, but ap world is. Also this week the boys won the state championship! Which was sort of hard to go to because it was a three hour bus ride, but the bus ride was actually pretty fun. I sat with Blake kp and Sam. It was a pretty short 3 hours once I think about it. I slep a lot of the way back though. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Weekly post 3/10/14

This week was an okay week actually. I did pretty well on my ap world test, and I am pretty proud of myself for that. I had a lot to do this week. I also joined science Olympiad a few weeks back and this weekend we had regionals. We did so well!! I got first in both my events and we are going down state! I am so excited because this was my first meet and I did very well, and the team did very well and it was a great time on top of everything. I like the people in that club. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Weekly post 3/3/14

This week was aweful. I found out that I didn't get into the iit boring scholars thing. I really was bumbed out about that. I really wanted to get into that. But I guess God just didn't want it to happen. I don't know what I am going to do over the summer yet besides football and work at rush. I want to do something interesting over the summer but I don't really know what yet. I have to figure it out soon though. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Weekly post 2/24

This week was okay. The only part about this week that I didn't like was that I found out that I am not doing the best in Ap world. I have a lot to do to get the grade up and I really hope that I can do it because it is a fairly difficult class. A good part about this week was that we started a new phase in the weight room where it is full force. We are lifting very heavy weights, and even though it is good, it is also very tiring. But we are going to get in exceptional shape. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Weekly post 2/17/14

This week was pretty weird because it was really the first week that we had in a while of a whole full week of school. Also, on Saturday, I did a pretty good job at the track meet because I got 4th in shotput for the freshman sophomore with a 41. I am glad because the teams that were there were all teams that were from the suburbs so they are very good teams. They are teams that I would be seeing I. State. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Weekly post 2/10/14

This week was another short week because on Wednesday we had the day off because of Lincoln's birthday, and then on Friday we had the focus on us day which was a full day but we had fairly short classes. This school year has been going by faster than last year for some reason which I kind of don't like. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Weekly blog 2/3/14

This week was not too bad. We had more snow days. I think that we have not had a full week of school for the longest time. Either way, this week we had a ccot in ap world and it went very well I am pretty sure. I really think that this was the best essay that I have written all year. The only bad thing about this week was that my phone broke because it won't charge. That is the only really bad thing that had happened this week. And I was sick towards the end of the week.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Weekly post 1/27/14

This week went by fairly fast because we had two snow days at the beginning of the week. After that, knowing that we only had two days wasn't going to be tlk hard. So this week I decided to do the Boeing scholars application and try out for that. I really hope that I get into that because that would look very good on my college application and it seems very interesting and fun at the same time. Very knowledgable. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Weekly post 1/14/14

So this week was another okay week. Finals are coming up and nobody can really do much because they have to study which is kind of annoying because it seems like everyone else studies a ton and I don't study that much. And also on Saturday I am going on my first snowboard trip of the year. My snowboard is supposed to come on Wednesday and I am super siked because I bought my snowboard this year instead of renting it. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Week 1/6/14

This week actually wasn't too bad for the first week back because it was only 3 days. The only thing that I am not looking forward to is finals next week. I like this week though because I am going to buy a snowboard which I've wanted to do for the longest time. I hope that I have the mental discipline to study because most of the time I don't feel like studying or feel like I don't really need it. Last year it worked out but I don't know about this year