Thursday, May 22, 2014


Thanks you all so much for this award. I have been practicing my speech time and time again and I couldn't come up with a final product. All of my attempts either sounded too cheasy, to fake or too real. So this is what I came up with: Ever since I was a little boy, I knew that the enviornment was in trouble. We were taught from a very little age that we should help the enviroent but I knew that it would be hard to find someone that would take on the responsibility. I graduated from Stanford at age 20 with a phd in environmental science so I knew that I could be the driving force to change this world. 
There are infinite amount of people that I would like to thank that we could stand here all day. I would like to thanky parents for etching me and guiding me throughout this long journey for the Nobel prize for environmental science. I want to thank my siblings for keeping me sane throughout this process. I would like to thank my co workers and all the people that helpede find a way for a new type of renewable energy. I believe that this new type of renewable energy would never have been created if it wasn't for the support of all the sponsors of my company. It has been a long journey and all the companies that helped me become the company I am today are very important to me. 
Creating this renewable energy source was a loooong ride but we got through it. While I have the worlds attention I would like to talk about something very deer to me, as you all know. It is the environment. I have traveled to many places in my lifetime and I have seen many different Eco systems and I have learned a lot about the world we live in. One thing that I have learned is that there are a lot of things wrong with our world that scientists have no idea about yet. With my renewable energy source, I have increases the human race's existence for another 1 million years at the least (Pause for applause). 
We basically are killing ourselves. Have you ever gone riding in places in America where there are factories producing a ton of smog and smoke every day? That is humans killing eachother. When I was at standford, my professor told me something that resonated with me for the rest of my life. I promised him that I would not reveal what he said until he died but it is something that can change the world for forever. My professor died 15 hours ago. So now that I have the worlds attention, I would like to present to you something that will change the face of human history for the rest of enternity. I present to you: the World's first all photon capturing solar panel. (Lift up curtain) 

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