Monday, September 9, 2013

Final neighborhood explanation

Neighborhood Explanation
The world is full of wonderful places just wanting to be explored. These said places can be magical but also at the same time, very terrifying because new things frighten human beings. This is the best way I could describe entering a section of the south loop called Dearborn Park. As I was making my way to my location, there were very intimidating actions that were going on around me. We were walking down a street called “State Street” and it seemed like this was the place where all the people in the city loved to be at because there were massive amounts of people walking and driving down this populated park of Chicago. Two or three streets down, there was an even more crowded area called Michigan Avenue. This was a very confusing place to be because I saw a lot of people walking down with their families taking pictures of museums, water attractions, and a large metallic shiny object that sort of took the shape of a bean. I was confused as to why people who pass by these attractions daily, or if not that, have the capability to come and visit them as they please. They were taking pictures as if they weren’t coming back. It was very touristy.

The actual neighborhood though seemed like a tight community with cute little white bricked houses that all had a uniform shape and color. Truthfully, it looked sort of bland if it weren’t for the park that appears when you enter the community.This place must have had some sort of pet store, or dog groomer somewhere surrounding it because it seemed like everybody in this neighborhood had a dog. When I first stepped foot inside the place, I could see many owners walking their dogs, playing with their dogs, training their dogs, and more. The park that you first see when you enter is a grass park with a bricked center stand where people could go and sit down on benches or play chess if they desired. The park didn’t seem as crowded as I would have expected something like that would be but it was still a nice relaxing place to go and sit, if all the infestation of dogs wouldn’t bother you.

Now the houses were interesting in the sense that they all looked pretty much the same. Most, or at least this part, of the neighborhood was just a long brick structure that twists and turns with houses that divide the structure to make separate houses. I was puzzled as to why someone would want their house to look exactly like the house that was to the right and left of them. I believe that the point of having your own house is that you can do whatever you want with it and you can turn it into something that is comfortable and somewhere that you want to live in for years on end. I think that the reason why these houses are so compact is because they are in the middle of all these busy people that rush to and from home on a busy street filled with slow people taking pictures of memorabilia, so they don’t have too much room to spread out and take a lot of room because they have a lot of people to accommodate.

“Excuse me sir, but what are these loud machines doing?” I asked a nice looking man.

“We are doing work for the pipes,” said the construction worker without paying much attention to me. The part of the city must be a very hard place to live in because everywhere I went around this place there were intimidating things between mass amounts of people and loud noises of people working underground. The last thing that I noticed was that this part of the city was very close to a massive body of water called LakeMichigan. I don’t know why Chicago likes to name things after Michigan but it seems to be common. If I lived that close to a body of water that big, I would be quite worried of things like floods, and marine life and what not. But they seem to have controlled those elements quite well so I don’t know if there is much to worry about.

Overall, the place doesn’t seem like a bad place to live in if you are a city person. I, for one, am not used to all the people and sounds, and ways of life that these city people, for some odd reason, like the live in. It was an intimidating trip, but I seemed to like discovering a new place and new ways of life.


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